Quickly jump to Vim's next/previous help file tags

Vim’s help system provides convenient tags for jumping between sections, moving the cursor to the tag itself though is less than convenient.

When the cursor is on a tag, one can follow it with ctrl-], but we need the cursor to be there in the first place. So let’s use ]g and [g to quickly jump to the next and previous tag respectively by adding this to your vimrc:

nmap [g <Plug>HelpTagPrevious
nmap ]g <Plug>HelpTagNext

nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HelpTagPrevious :call <SID>HelpTag(1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>HelpTagNext     :call <SID>HelpTag(0)<CR>

function! s:HelpTag(reverse)
    call search('|\S\+|', a:reverse ? 'bW' : 'W')