Ratpoison, Miscellaneous
This is the fifth post about the Ratpoison window
Here are a few extra things I use in Ratpoison to make it comfy.
Volume Control
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind braceright exec volume_control.sh high
bind braceleft exec volume_control.sh low
bind bar exec volume_control.sh medium
bind slash exec volume_control.sh ask
bind bracketright exec volume_control.sh inc
bind bracketleft exec volume_control.sh dec
bind backslash exec volume_control.sh mute
We can easily control the volume with these commands (after C-t
[ Increment 5%
] Decrement 5%
\ Toggle Mute
{ Set to a low value (10%)
} Set to maximum value (100%)
| Set to medium value (50%)
/ Prompt for volume value
This is achieved using the volume_control.sh
It depends on amixer.
Vi like bindings
Using this Ratpoison configuration we can make it behave more like vi:
bind j focusdown
bind h focusleft
bind k focusup
bind l focusright
bind J exchangedown
bind H exchangeleft
bind K exchangeup
bind L exchangeright
bind s vsplit
bind v hsplit
Now we can move between splits with {h,j,k,l}
, swap splits with {H,J,K,L}
and create horizontal and vertical splits with {s,v}
Fast application switching
Using this Ratpoison configuration we can bind some keys dedicated to fast
switch to the most common applications we use, urxvt and firefox in my case:
bind c exec app_select.sh terminal
bind e exec app_select.sh firefox
We can now fast switch to them with:
C-s e
Firefox (mnemonic ‘explorer’)
C-s c
Terminal emulator
This is achieved using the app_select.sh
Interactive window selection
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind w exec window_select.sh
We can interactively select and change windows from a menu:

This is achieved using the window_select
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind at exec scrot -u -z -q 100 -e 'mv $f ~/.shots/'
We can take screenshots with C-t @
that will be saved in ~/.shots
. This is
achieved using scrot.
Fast calculator
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind C exec calculator.sh
We can get a prompt for arithmetic operations.
This is achieved using the calculator.sh
Backlight control
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind parenright exec backlight_control.sh inc
bind parenleft exec backlight_control.sh dec
bind underscore exec backlight_control.sh toggle
bind S exec xset dpms force off
We can control the backlight with (after C-t
) Increment backlight
( Decrement backlight
_ Toggle between full and medium light
S Turn off the screen
This is achieved using the backlight_control.sh
You can find a lot of additional handy stuff in my .ratpoisonrc
This is the fifth post about the Ratpoison window manager.
Here are a few extra things I use in Ratpoison to make it comfy.
Volume Control
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind braceright exec volume_control.sh high
bind braceleft exec volume_control.sh low
bind bar exec volume_control.sh medium
bind slash exec volume_control.sh ask
bind bracketright exec volume_control.sh inc
bind bracketleft exec volume_control.sh dec
bind backslash exec volume_control.sh mute
We can easily control the volume with these commands (after C-t
[ Increment 5%
] Decrement 5%
\ Toggle Mute
{ Set to a low value (10%)
} Set to maximum value (100%)
| Set to medium value (50%)
/ Prompt for volume value
This is achieved using the volume_control.sh
It depends on amixer.
Vi like bindings
Using this Ratpoison configuration we can make it behave more like vi:
bind j focusdown
bind h focusleft
bind k focusup
bind l focusright
bind J exchangedown
bind H exchangeleft
bind K exchangeup
bind L exchangeright
bind s vsplit
bind v hsplit
Now we can move between splits with {h,j,k,l}
, swap splits with {H,J,K,L}
and create horizontal and vertical splits with {s,v}
Fast application switching
Using this Ratpoison configuration we can bind some keys dedicated to fast switch to the most common applications we use, urxvt and firefox in my case:
bind c exec app_select.sh terminal
bind e exec app_select.sh firefox
We can now fast switch to them with:
C-s e
Firefox (mnemonic ‘explorer’)
C-s c
Terminal emulator
This is achieved using the app_select.sh
Interactive window selection
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind w exec window_select.sh
We can interactively select and change windows from a menu:
This is achieved using the window_select
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind at exec scrot -u -z -q 100 -e 'mv $f ~/.shots/'
We can take screenshots with C-t @
that will be saved in ~/.shots
. This is
achieved using scrot.
Fast calculator
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind C exec calculator.sh
We can get a prompt for arithmetic operations.
This is achieved using the calculator.sh
Backlight control
Using this Ratpoison configuration:
bind parenright exec backlight_control.sh inc
bind parenleft exec backlight_control.sh dec
bind underscore exec backlight_control.sh toggle
bind S exec xset dpms force off
We can control the backlight with (after C-t
) Increment backlight
( Decrement backlight
_ Toggle between full and medium light
S Turn off the screen
This is achieved using the backlight_control.sh
You can find a lot of additional handy stuff in my .ratpoisonrc file.